Thursday, January 31, 2019

Meet the Board: Katherine Schoofs, Chair-Elect

It's a new year and we have a new YSS Board!  This series will introduce each board member with some enchanting questions and even more enchanting photos.

Katherine Schoofs, Chair-Elect

Name & Library
Katherine Schoofs, Aram Public Library in Delavan

What was your favorite childhood book?
How do people pick favorites? lol  Let's see...I love Charlotte's WebAnne of Green Gables, the Bunnicula series, anything folk and/or fairy tales, Sideways Stories from Wayside SchoolThe True Confessions of Charlotte DoyleThe Westing GameScary Stories to Tell in the Dark...  Just to name a few!  HA!

In what format do you like to read? EBooks? Print? Graphic Novel? Audiobook? Why?
I read print and graphic novels, primarily.  Audiobooks are also a delight, especially if the reader is phenomenal (Hearing Neil Patrick Harris read his own biography?  Or TIM CURRY reading A Series of Unfortunate Events?  YES, PLEASE.)

What do you like to do in your free time to recharge?
In addition to reading, I love spending time with my family and friends, listening to music, taking pictures, going treasure hunting at thrift stores, singing karaoke, dance parties with my daughter, and impromptu road trips.  Oh, and binge watching some of my favorite shows: Parks & Recreation, Bob's Burgers, Psych, etc.

What are you reading right now?
We're in the process of reading the first few Oz books as a family.  I'm also about to start Margot and Mateo Save the World by Darcy Miller. 

What is your biggest goal for YSS in 2019?
One of my biggest goals for YSS in 2019 is to spread the word about our section and how much we have to offer!  I also hope to connect with youth services folk all over the state--both members and nonmembers--and continue expanding our welcoming network of support and idea sharing to one and all!

Anything else you’d like to share?
YSS is the bee's knees,  The cat's pajamas.  If you're thinking about joining, please do!  If you're thinking of volunteering or getting more involved, please do that, too!  There are so many ways to get out there, connect with other like-minded library rock stars, and make your unique voice heard!

Contact Katherine:

1 comment:

  1. Be sure and listen to the audiobook of Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt -- I laughed out loud so often as I drove to work listening to it. And if I am not mistaken, the college where Mr. Schmidt once chaired the English department now owns an Audubon folio edition. Woot woot!
