Thursday, January 17, 2019

Meet the Board: Sarah Cournoyer, Past-Chair

It's a new year and we have a new YSS Board!  This series will introduce each board member with some enchanting questions and even more enchanting photos.

Sarah Cournoyer, Past-Chair

Name & Library
Sarah Cournoyer, Youth Services Librarian at Beaver Dam Community Library

What was your favorite childhood book?
Once I began reading, I enjoyed series. I read my way through the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and the Chronicles of Narnia.

In what format do you like to read? EBooks? Print? Graphic Novel? Audiobook? Why?
I read in all formats now. I like eBooks because they are convenient to carry since they are on my phone or Kindle. I like print because there is no glare and sometimes the font is an integral part of the story that doesn’t come across in an eBook. I also enjoy listening to audiobooks because that is generally a shared reading experience with my husband or family. Plus, audiobooks are great for listening to on the go.

What do you like to do in your free time to recharge?
 I’m an avid knitter who likes to listen to music, garden, and hang out with family and friends. I also like to find time to be in nature or to be still and renew my busy mind.

What are you reading right now?
 I’m reading The War Outside and The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle in print, as well as listening to Lamplighter by D.M. Cornish with my husband.

What is your biggest goal for YSS in 2019?
 YSS’s Membership Committee completed a multi-year project to survey our members and non-members serving youth in libraries across the state in late 2018. Using that data to inform our efforts as the YSS Board is something we’ll be focusing on for 2019.

Anything else you’d like to share?
I’m super excited about a new book that arrived Sing a Song of Seasons: A Nature Poem for Each Day of the Year. As soon as it is cataloged, I’ll be reading it. It inspired me to include a poem at every storytime for spring.

Contact Sarah:

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