Thursday, February 7, 2019

Meet the Board: Anne Hamland, Director at Large

It's a new year and we have a new YSS Board!  This series will introduce each board member with some enchanting questions and even more enchanting photos.

Anne Hamland, Director at Large

Name & Library
Anne Hamland, Wisconsin Valley Library Service

What was your favorite childhood book?
Ender's Game/Ella Enchanted: The first time I can remember staying up late into the night to read was with Ella Enchanted. It was the first book where the villian and plot made me angry, heartbroken, and then elated. Ender's Game was the first book that challenged me to consider politics, manipulation, and the ethics of sacrificing or acting for the "greater good." I firmly believe that children should read Ender's Game... and then read it again in high school and AGAIN as adults. You'll get something new out of it each time.

In what format do you like to read? EBooks? Print? Graphic Novel? Audiobook? Why?
 PRINT BABY! Print is comforting, calming for me and seeing my progress as I make my way through a thick book is satisfying while also instilling a competive urge to finish the book. I LOVE audiobooks (OverDrive and Libby ROCK!) for days at home with sick kiddos or house chores. I fly through cooking and dishes when I have a good book.

What do you like to do in your free time to recharge?
 Read, house projects. We've been in our house for a year, but our darn kids keep us so busy! My perfect day would be HGTV muted on the tv, audiobook playing, while my hands are busy with a house project or laundry. Yes, I said laundry.

What are you reading right now?
 Hey Kiddo (print) and Crazy Rich Asians (audiobook), yes I know I'm a little behind. That's what two kids under two does to you!

What is your biggest goal for YSS in 2018?
 For youth librarians across Wisconsin to know how YSS can serve and support them! YSS provides many useful resources (YSS blog and conference sessions are a MUST), but I believe the friendships and mentorships that naturally form between youth librarians is the most important peice. YSS provides opportunities for gathering with fellow youth librarians to learn about hot topics and professional practice and for building solid support systems. 

Anything else you’d like to share?
Go to the YSS social and any YSS session at WAPL for a great professional, educational and valuable relationship building time!
Contact Anne:

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