Wednesday, March 13, 2019

YSS February 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Wisconsin Library Association
Youth Services Section Board Meeting
Go to a Meeting
Tuesday, February 19th

Present: Katie Kiekhaefer, Anne Hamland, Emily Zorea, Sue Abrahamson, Emily Sanders, Tessa Schmidt, Katherine Schoofs, Sarah Cournoyer, Susie Menk
Approve Agenda
Emily approved agenda, Katherine 2nd
*Note for next meeting--if agenda needs to be adjusted/amended  that should be done before meeting begins

Old Business:
Twelve Months of Code Resource - Katie & Emily
       Data has been shared to Emily
       Needs to be inputted into template
       When ready, run some publicity on this new resource
Regional Meet-ups Update - Claire & Katie
       Friday, February 22nd for southeast WI
       Held at Hales Corners & Muskego from 12-4
       Tessa will promote in systems
       Claire shared in an email that the North/Northwest meet up with be on April 19th at Grantsburg and Spooner
       Discussion at meet up will be about self care and learning when to let go of programs
YSS Annual Report - Sarah/Anne
       Submitted to WLA leadership, Dropbox and posted to the YSS Blog
       Anne enhanced Sarah’s report with graphics and some stats - Thanks, Anne!
       Add Sue Abrahamson as WLA liaison
Marketing Committee - Sarah/Anne
       New YSS Email for Chair use only
       WLA will allow YSS posting on Facebook 2 times/month
Basement Archives - Sarah
       Email introducing Katherine and Ruhama sent; they will coordinate exchange of the materials to be archived
Children’s Book Award Committee - Abby/Sarah
       Committee is full and beginning work on selections and meetings
       March 19th, April 16th, May 15th are meeting dates
WEMTA - Sarah and Katie
            From an email from Marge to Plumer, this is all directly quoted from Marge and Katie paraphrased it in the meeting:
            The group met with representatives from WLA and YSS, DPI, and WEMTA.  There were discussions about having more proposals for WLA from school colleagues, as well as public librarians being welcomed to the WEMTA conference.  We would like to make sure proposal forms are shared with both groups.  There was also discussion about sharing opportunities for webinars, meet-ups, and other professional development so we can share opportunities with our respective members.

YSS Elections - Sarah
       Have asked two YSS members re: interest in running for Director at Large position: 1 no, 1 still thinking - see new business
       Will be looking for nominations for Chair Elect and Board Liaison
YSS Powerhouse Presents - Katie
1.      Update from WLA--Sue Abrahamson is looking into options for WLA hosting these webinars
2.      Update from systems
3.      Splitting of roles and responsibilities for YSS/WLA entity and system
In speaking with Leah Langby, Katie learned there was some discussion and agreements made about how work would be split between systems and WLA groups for webinar hosting.
System duties:
     Working with presenter(s) to find an exact time/date that works
     Setting up the webinar and sharing the info with WAPL contact so they can help publicize
     Publicize the webinar to members of my own system
     Work with presenter(s) to set up a sound check and make sure they know how the technical aspects of the presentation will work
     Moderate/host the webinar itself
     Record the webinar and arrange for/pay for captioning it
     Share the recording link with WAPL contact person so they can post it.
WLA would do the following:
     Figure out the general time frame with presenters
     Provide a description of the program
     Work with presenters on content if necessary
     Help to publicize to WAPL membership and beyond
     Post the link to the recording

New Business:
Appointing of Nomination Committee members -Sarah
       Suggestions for candidates
       Katherine Freund was interested, as was Monica Lavold on the volunteer survey.
YSS Luncheon Speaker -Sarah
       Miranda Paul has been booked
       Fees will be under WLA’s budgeted amount.
       Waiting to hear from Judy, her booking agent, and Brigitte at WLA whether signed contract and required W9 have been submitted to WLA office.
       Updated contract was received in December, completed and sent to Judy to sign and return.
WAPL Conference - Anne and Emily
       Possible ideas--improv games and program swaps?
WLA notes from Sue Abrahamson, WLA Liaison
       Work continues to make the Kalahari a more inclusive experience for our membership at the upcoming annual conference.  The theme for the conference is "Celebrating Everyone's Story."
       Remember the March 1st deadline for submitting program proposals to the conference committee.  This date seems rushed as our conference is earlier this year (October 8-11).
       Work continues to improve the MemberClicks software and our website.  Watch for training in the future in webinar or instructional video form.  This may involve a database clean-up where duplicate member entries are cleared up.  We did discuss the request from many units about wanting to know who the new members in their unit/section/division are so that they can reach out to them.  There was also some discussion of the need to contact those members in our units that have expired membership to find out why.
       The board continues to discuss opportunities to improve member engagement and streamline services - to work smarter.  If you have specific concerns about working with the WLA office or organizational procedures, please let me know.
       Sherry Machones, ALA Councilor, reported about the many actions taken at ALA Mid-Winter in Seattle, but I was personally excited to hear about the passing of the Resolution on Eliminating Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Justice.  I'm sure we'll hear more about this.
       Jill Fuller, WLA Newsletter editor, will welcome contributions to the next newsletter.  Email your submissions to her at
       When you submit your reports to me, if you could identify the items in your report that need board action, I can be sure to bring that forward to the board on your behalf.  Mostly, this would be items that involve money, not budgeted expenses.
       If your unit is having a regional meet-up, be sure to send invitations to nearby systems to share with their members.  This is a great way to reach out to non-members to demonstrate the activity of our organization.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susie Menk, YSS Secretary
March 1, 2019

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