Thursday, April 4, 2019

YSS March 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Wisconsin Library Association
Youth Services Section Board Meeting
Go to a Meeting
Tuesday, March 26th

Present: Katie Kiekhaefer, Claire Parrish, Emily Sanders, Katherine Schoofs, Susie Menk, Tessa Schmidt, Sarah Cournoyer

Approve Agenda
       Motion made to approve agenda by Katherine Schoofs, seconded by Emily Sanders
       Motion made to approve minutes by Katherine Schoofs, seconded by Emily Sanders

Old Business:
Twelve Months of Code Resource - Emily S.
       Slowly moving forward
       Goal to have completed by WAPL
Regional Meet-ups Update - Claire
       April 19th meet-up was in Grantsburg & Spooner
       Meet-up for Southeastern Wisconsin was in Hales Corners and Muskego.  Had 9 attend, did program swap, tour of new Children’s area in Muskego, and presentation on Escape rooms
Marketing Committee - Sarah/Anne
       We are allowed 2 Facebook shares on the WLA Facebook page per month
       Anne is working on sending our monthly emails
       Will post about YSS social at WAPL
       Will be promoting YSS resources and data
WEMTA aka Public/School Libraries Group - Katie
       Topic tabled for another meeting
       Some discussion about sharing a both with CCBC, YSS and WEMTA at WLA
WLA Board Liaison Report - Sue
       Nothing to report, Sue absent today
Board Liaison Election Discussion - Sue and All
       Nothing to report, Sue absent today
       Katie mentioned that there are discussions happening to have this position be transitional but we would need to see how WLA wants to approach their liaison positions in general.
YSS Elections - Sarah and Katie
       Sarah reported that there are 2 members interested in the Director-at-Large positions
       No candidates at this time for the Chair Elect position
       Suggestions for candidates included outgoing chair of the Children’s book Award Committee and previous Directors-at-Large
       Will put out a post on Facebook in April or May for candidates--need names by July/August
YSS Powerhouse Presents - Katie & Sue
       Waiting for response from WLA
       Discussion about partnering with WAPL for webinar topics/presenters
       Discussion tabled until we hear from WLA
WAPL Conference - Anne and Emily S.
       Emily will be sharing out YSS sponsored presentations
       Looking for room monitors
       YSS social will be Wednesday night

New Business:
2020 YSS Luncheon Speaker - Katie
       Sarah and Katie talked to Maris from Capstone about possible speaker for 2020
       Maris suggested non-fiction writer Michael Dahl
       Maris and/or Capstone would cover cost of speaker and provide copies of books for all attendees
       Possibility of rolling speaker monies from 2020 to 2021 and engaging a bigger name author
       Discussion about setting precedent with using a book distributing company for a speaker--will check with WLA about concerns
       Suggestion made to do a memo of understanding for this speaker/company
WLA Conference Updates - Claire, Emily Z, and Katie
       Waiting on YSS programs from Roxanne
       Possible program: This American life by Plattevillle Librarian Lydia who worked with homeless youth
       Will share out program proposals via Google Docs if time allows
       YSS social ideas:  Book Art and networking time
Final decision on request to promote candidacy on YSS Blog
       Decision was made to only post AFTER elections so YSS is not seen as supporting a particular candidate
       Post can be made about process rather than person
New resources to share: 12 of 12 idea?
       Discussion tabled until Coding Resource is completed
2019 Youth Services Institute--soon to be announced (Tessa)
       Tessa reported that applications will open in April
       Institute will be in August at the Heartwood Conference Center in Trego, WI

Motion made to adjourn by Sarah Cournoyer, seconded by Katherine Schoofs
Next meeting date TBA

Respectfully submitted,
Susie Menk, YSS Secretary
March 27, 2019

1 comment:

  1. I would love to hear from a nonfiction author. It looks like he's quite prolific. I want to ask how one gets into writing nonfiction and what kinds of resources one uses when writing. Is it the same Michael Dahl that also writes the superhero books?
