Friday, May 3, 2019

WLA's Leadership Development Institute: Apply Now!

Merriam-Webster defines leadership as…. No, just kidding, I won’t start this post like that.  You may have noticed emails about WLA’s 3rd annual LDI or the Leadership Development Institute popping up in your inbox, and perhaps your director has been forwarding them to you, subtly (or not so subtly) pushing you to apply.  Last year, I was one of those individuals lucky enough to have a supportive director gently pushing me to apply, and now I’m here to gently push you, dear reader, to apply.  This isn’t an opportunity you want to miss.

I attended LDI last August, and over the course of three intensive days, worked extensively on emotional intelligence, strength finding, relationship building/collaboration, strategic planning, change management, and critical thinking skills in small group work and with the guidance of several speakers, most of whom were not part of the library world.  Through WLA and YSS, we get so many professional development opportunities from our peers, either through conferences, webinars, or this very blog, and that’s invaluable.  But at LDI, I got to hear about leadership and management from leadership experts outside of my field.  With their support and the other participants, I left with a better understanding of how these nationally known principles and research applied to my work life.

2018 LDI Class

We all know that libraries are busy places to work, and especially as library staff who serve youth, there is always a fire to put out or a new problem to creatively solve.  Upon returning to work, I immediately used what I learned at LDI.

Like I said, I would encourage all of you to apply.   You are leaders in your library and in your community, and although I’m incredibly biased, I think library staff serving youth are ideal leaders in this great field of ours.   

If you have any questions about LDI, I’d love to answer them.  Please email me at

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