Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nerf Nights and Violent Fantasy Play Research

I am waffling between the idea of hosting a "Nerf Night" at the library and the challenging, country-wide discussions currently going on around guns and safety.  The event has been requested by my Teen Advisory Group (TAG) and suggested by several parents.  But I feel I am in a quandary.  Would hosting an evening of "shooting" be at best in poor taste and at worst irresponsible?

As I work through the reasons for hosting and the reasons against, I was a pleasantly surprised when the August Cardigan newsletter contained a segment about violent fantasy play (including pretend weapons play).  Author Katherine, summarizing current play research, notes that violent fantasy play should be allowed and not discouraged because children use this type of play to "sort out complicated messages they receive from the world."  However, she also stipulates that this type of play should be consented to by all parties involved (kids, teens, etc.).  I am still not sure whether I will go forward with a nerf-type program, but I do feel a little better informed about the role of violent fantasy play in children's attempts to understand the world.

1 comment:

  1. I am hosting a Nerf Capture the Flag event in October so I appreciate your thoughts and providing a resource that I can use in case I get any concerned parents.
