Friday, September 6, 2019

Meet the Newly Elected Members of the YSS 2020 Board

The current YSS Board is happy to welcome three new members to begin their terms in 2020. Here is an introduction to each of them.  

Florence LaBeau, Bloomer Public Library - Director at Large for 2020

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Working in the library system has been very rewarding. I started at the Ellsworth Public Library where I learned so many aspects of library work. I enjoyed readers advisory and learning about the community. I also enjoyed designing outreach programs & flyers to promote programs and events.  It was here that I also discovered the many aspects in the public library system, and how to make a difference by having a positive attitude. With the desire to keep growing and learning new skills, I transferred to Bloomer. Here I design outreach and storytime programs as well as numerous after school activities. Ordering books and growing the collection has been a great part of my job. My passion for library work continues as I serve the youth in our community, always tring to learn new things along the way.

I have also been so fortunate to attend WLA conferences and numerous trainings and webinars. These trainings have been invaluable as I work to enhance the Bloomer Library in my commitment to make our outreach and after school programs successful. By attending these trainings, I have developed leadership skills and met great people. I have developed friendships with colleuges that inspire and encourage me daily.

How has YSS empowered you in your role serving youth and families in WI libraries?

Through  YSS I have developed an increased awareness in encouraging literacy. During workshops and meet-ups, YSS colleagues have given me ideas that have helped improve my programs and expand my goals. By growing as a leader, I have been able to listen to others and help with problem-solving ideas. I am more aware of issues that face our families today and try to support them whenever I can.  I continually try to encourage patrons as I work at the desk and promote family communications in a positive way.

What unique abilities and viewpoints will you bring to your position on the YSS board and to WLA as a whole?

I would like to promote the wellness of our members by helping them achieve their goals. To do this, I would like to encourage involvement by holding monthly meet-ups around the state. Here we could have brainstorming sessions and talk about goals, brainstorm solutions to problems, etc.  I believe we are all working hard to build our libraries and promote literacy, and by learning from the experience of others, we may be able to lighten our loads.

Katherine Freund, Clintonville Public Library - Director at Large 2020

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello everyone! My name is Katherine. I am a UW-Milwaukee Information Science alumni. I grew up in Wisconsin, spending my summer days at the Appleton Public Library. However, I have been moving around with the Army for the past 20 years as a veteran and military spouse. It is great to be back in Wisconsin permanently and I am thoroughly enjoying having a place I can call home and work in our great library systems that we have in Wisconsin. I currently work in OWLS as a Youth Service Librarian and I am also on the Board of Trustees for WinneFox Library System.

How has YSS empowered you in your role serving youth and families in Wisconsin libraries?

I have had multiple different positions in libraries, however, this is my first role in youth services in a public library. The YSS has been a great professional resource for me, providing  continuing education and networking with other youth services librarians. I have gotten many ideas from my colleagues around the state and it has been a welcomed relief to be able to share resources during times where budgets can be tight. I have been able to bring great programming to the kids and families in our area with support from the YSS.

What unique abilities and viewpoints will you bring to your position on the YSS Board and to WLA as a whole?

I came to librarianship not from a love of reading as a child, but from the avoidance of reading anything as a child. Books were never a joy, it was work. In my third year of college, I had to take a literature class to meet degree requirements. To my surprise, I loved it! I finally understood how my sister could stay up at night with a flashlight and book. Sadly, I missed out on MANY years of reading because I was never approached with books in a way that was enticing for me. I bring the unique viewpoint of twenty years of reluctant reading! Additionally, I have the perspective of living in many different states across the country, with many different communities. I approach all aspects of a position with a diverse perspective.

Jenny Wegener, Pewaukee Public Library - YSS Chair-elect for 2020

Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Hello.  I am Jenny Wegener, Head of Youth Services at the Pewaukee Public Library.  We are in the Bridges Library System.  I have been working in Youth Services for over 20 years.  It’s hard to believe it has been that long but since I know that some of my first “story timers” are now adults with professional jobs and everything, it must be true.  I am one of those lucky people for whom my job is also very much a calling.  Every time I hear a young person proudly tell me that they are reading and they love books, I get goosebumps and know that I truly am in the right place. 

How has YSS empowered you in your role serving youth and families in Wisconsin libraries? 

I have been a member of YSS for years and truly appreciate all the ways it nurtures and grows youth services staff.  As a new librarian I was so grateful for the instant network of supportive mentors I found in YSS and the many, many, fantastic conference events that allowed me to grow my understanding of children’s literature, service to teens, early literacy concepts, programming ideas, and so much more.  As I have, shall we say, “matured,” I have continued to rely on YSS events and blog posts to keep me up-to-date on the newest ideas for creating inclusive, innovative programming, how to be a strong advocate for libraries, and for discovering new ways to reach out to children, teens, and adults.  Truly, without YSS I wouldn’t be as effective as I am today.  And I wouldn’t be able to share the “Fruit Salad” song with my little patrons either! 

What unique abilities and viewpoints will you bring to your position on the YSS Board and to WLA as a whole?

While I don’t think I have any abilities or viewpoints that are unique, in fact I am always amazed by the wide range of skills and aptitudes possessed by my colleagues, I do have experience, time, and enthusiasm to dedicate to the YSS Board and WLA.

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