Thursday, November 21, 2019

Throw-It Thursday: What About Pluto?

Welcome to Throw-It Thursday! My name is Ashley Borman, and I’m a Technical Services Librarian at the Clintonville Public Library.  This is a new (hopefully regular) monthly weeding tips segment of the YSS blog. Here we will discuss what to get rid of, when to get rid of it, and why are you still hanging on to that?!

This month let’s talk about Pluto. Why are we talking about Pluto, you ask? Because, in case some of you haven’t noticed, Pluto was removed from planet status way back in 2006! So check your shelves, and any books that reference Pluto and were published in 2006 or earlier should be promptly removed, and books from 2007 should be checked for accuracy, as they were probably written in 2006.
I know you might think this is a bit redundant. I mean, this happened 13 years ago! We all know this. But some of those sneaky books have lingered, especially when you weed by circulation stats only. Most patrons don’t pay attention to things like publishing dates when they are looking for books about the solar system and check out everything and anything they can find. Example: when I started working at the Clintonville library in 2013, I found around a dozen books on the shelf that still talked about the ninth planet in our solar system! I promptly pulled them off the shelf, said goodbye, and made our children’s librarian update the books about Pluto and dwarf planets. What are you waiting for?! Get out there and spiff up your collection if you haven’t done so already!

If you have any requests on weeding tips/tricks or certain topics to talk about please leave a comment below!

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