Monday, March 9, 2020

Kids Take Action Book Display and Resources

The Wisconsin Water Library is a great resource on STEM and environmental resources and activities. In a recent blog post they shared some of these resources focusing on kids and teens who take action for the environment. These activities and suggestions are perfect for any library to use in their youth work. And you can borrow books from their library!

They write: "Almost 25% of teenagers (ages 13-17) have participated in a school walk-out, participated in a protest, rally, or other event, or written a letter, emailed or phoned a government official in an effort to combat the climate crisis and make their voices heard. There has been an increase in participation worldwide in school climate strikes, with over 6 million students participating in September 2019."

Stop here to read their most recent blog post and access some great resources.

Image from the Wisconsin Water Library

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