Friday, April 10, 2020

The DPI is considering Beanstack...and they need your input!

Dear Library Staff Coordinating Summer Library Programs,
Your input is urgently needed. The Department of Public Instruction is considering Beanstack, on an online reading challenge platform and mobile app, to support summer library programming in 2020 and beyond. 

By noon on Wednesday, April 15th please respond via a short survey (one response per library). It is critical to get a commitment of participation in order to continue with our statewide contract efforts. Confer with youth services/adult services/administration before responding. We need to know if your library would use Beanstack in 2020 (Yes/No/Already use Beanstack/Plan to use a different product). The statewide subscription would be funded through LSTA. 

To help you determine if Beanstack would be a good choice for your summer library programming efforts, consider registering for a demo and overview webinar on either Monday, April 13th from 1-2pm or Tuesday, April 14th from 1-2pm. Register here:

If attending a live webinar is not an option, a recording from the Beanstack web service and mobile app webinar on 4/9 can be found here with a password of "wisconsin". There are additional resources  and testimonials on the Beanstack resources web page:

Additional details:
  • If we offer Beanstack statewide, each library/branch would have an individual instance on the web/app. Basically, your patrons can find YOUR library and YOU can see all the data for YOUR library.
  • If enough libraries respond with “Yes!”, then we hope to initiate Beanstack for Wisconsin public libraries by June 15, 2020
  • The summer 2020 rollout would likely be a slightly modified version of Beanstack to accommodate a large number of libraries in a very short amount of time
  • If you are currently a Beanstack customer, we will work with your library and Beanstack to determine finance options
  • If your library says “No thanks” right now, you could reconsider the choice in 2021

An online reading challenge platform is likely not the best solution for everyone. DPI is actively working on solutions related to internet inequities. We will continue to explore options for remote programming and services for libraries in all corners of the state. 

Thank you for considering this option in such a short window of time. 


Tessa Michaelson Schmidt
Public Library Consultant – Youth and Inclusive Services
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
(608) 267-5077

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