Wednesday, June 3, 2020

We're Re-opening - Coping with Reluctant Patrons and Programming

As we prepare to re-open, two areas that cause alot of worry include patrons who don't want to cooperate with COVID-19 protocols and how and when we might transition our programs from virtual back to IRL.

Mask and Social Distancing Reluctance
One at the top of many of our minds is how will we navigate patrons unhappy or downright irate about being asked to wear masks or keep social distance. The use of humor and kindness can go a long way with this one. Leah Langby, IFLS Library Development and Youth Services Coordinator shared this resource on the wispublib listserv and says: "My wonderful colleague Rebecca Kilde, the IFLS PR and Communications Coordinator, created these resources and ideas about encouraging/asking people to wear masks successfully.  I LOVE THEM.  Here is the link."  

Transitioning from Virtual to In-Person Programming
Another sticky wicket is knowing when and how the transition will start from virtual to IRL programming and how to make that decision. Of course, we'll be listening to our public health and elected officials on this. But there's alot to think about in preparing for this.  Jennifer Brown has an excellent recent ALSC blog post, Difficult Decision Making: When to Allow In-Person Programming (5/22/20) where she thoughtfully goes through her planning steps. It's worth the read.

State Reopening Guidelines
WI Department of Public Instruction Division for Libraries has just released its set of guidelines to help libraries make decisions locally on how to safely re-open. Wisconsin Public Libraries Re-Opening Guide 6/2/20

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