Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What's Up at the Blog?

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay 

You are!

Our blog, started in December 2007, has over 2000 posts since it's beginning!

Who is doing all this posting? Well, lots of WI YSS members and friends of YSS have pitched in. Many have taken turns over the past thirteen years to provide content that informs, enlightens and helps WI youth staffers keep up-to-date and in-the-know.

Currently, we have 2-3 contributors who are each responsible for content for one day weekly or more often if the spirit or circumstances (like COVID-19) suggest additional content.

Here's where you come in.

We are looking for a couple more people to volunteer to help us provide content for one day a week. Content can be links to resources; news about events or upcoming CE; opinions about any aspect of children's or teen services; programming or collection development ideas; diversity and inclusion; parenting tips; or any of 100 different pieces of info you'd like to share with colleagues around the state (and sometimes around the country) that you run across in your work. You can even recruit other colleagues to help you write/locate content as well for your four posts monthly so we can include even more voices on the blog.

If 4 posts month seems like a lot, you can also just volunteer for one post monthly (like our Throw-It Thursday column). Many voices make strong content!

It's super fun and super simple. If you'd like to volunteer to help out, we'd love to have you on the blog team for as little or a long as you want. Just email for more info or to volunteer.

With over half a million views of the posts (our blog averages between 50-100 views daily) since it's inception thirteen years ago, it's a great place to shine out on behalf of the Youth Services Section and great youth services in our state.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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