Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Youth-Centered CE from UW-Madison iSchool

For those of you hankering for some outstanding autumn CE focused on youth services, you can't go wrong with the many online offerings this fall from UW-Madison SLIS. These courses are taught by some of the best in the children's and teen field and are worth every penny. You will recognize, as your instructors, the names (and talents) of many current YSS members and former members now working in other states.  There is a 10% early bird discount if you register 2 weeks before each class begins!

Here are the youth-specific offerings coming up this fall:

Programming with Purpose 
Sept 21-Oct 18.  Instructor: Kelsey Johnson-Kaiser
We all want our libraries to have strong programming. How do you know if your library is producing meaningful, intentional programs that align with your vision, support your mission and recognize staff capacity versus simply falling into the "more is more" trap? This course will explore both broad perspectives on identifying programming values and goals as well as in-depth strategies for planning thoughtful, intentional programs for any age. Participants will actively focus on defining programming priorities; staying rooted in community; implementing tools and resources; and change management.

Youth Services 101
Sept 28-Nov 22. Instructor: Brooke Newberry
Looking to ground yourself in the basics of youth services for public libraries? Whether you are new to the field, need a refresher, or just need a breath of fresh air, this course will look at the past, present and future of great services for children and teens.

Teens in the Library
Oct 12-Nov 22. Instructor: Linda Jerome
You've got teens in the library - now what? Or maybe you'd like to have more teens in the library. So how exactly do you do this? This course will help provide library staff a foundation upn which they can build successful service to teens in their community through programming, attractive space for teens in the library, teen collections and outreach and community partnerships.

What's New in Children's Books?
Oct 19- Nov 15 Instructor: Crystal Brunelle
Are you looking for ways to keep your children's collection inclusive, relevant and up-to-date? Designed for librarians and library workers in service to children, this course will provide a survey of new books for readers birth-12 years old. Participants will learn about current evaluation and selection techniques and resources for finding a wide variety of books for young readers. Books examined include outstanding new (2017-present) board books, picture books, graphic novels, poetry along with fiction and nonfiction in various formats.

You can also find outstanding courses on beginning Spanish, trauma-informed care; graphic design, and so much more! Stop by the main UW-iSchool CE page for all the course listings, dates and costs.

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