Saturday, August 15, 2020

Back to School Considerations and Tips for Libraries

What are some of the considerations public youth library staff should be thinking about and planing for as schools open virtually or in-person this fall? 

In this helpful blog post from DPI's Wisconsin Libraries For Everyone blog Tessa Michaelson Schmidt helps us navigate some of the issues and resources to help us as we consider back-to-school issues.

Book Riot's Kelly Jensen (a former WI librarian)  also recently wrote an excellent post, How Will Public Libraries Adapt to New School Year Norms? based on a survey of 30 public libraries across the US to suss out how they were approaching their collaborations with school colleagues this fall. Great food for thought!

Finally, super librarian Abby Johnson shared a great set of ideas, tips and booklists on How to Help Homeschoolers and E-Learners at the ALSC blog. Be sure to check this post out for a ton of ideas!

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