Friday, September 4, 2020

The Cardigan Newsletter's September Issue is Out!

The September issue of the Cardigan Newsletter by Children's Librarians Allie and Kathy from Oklahoma City is out!

The article on "Ambiguous Loss" is an interesting read if you haven't seen it. I think it speaks to some of the general feelings some of my colleagues and I have mentioned in a couple of our Youth Services meetings as we discuss the altered landscape of youth programming, engaging with and serving youth.

Under the topic play, there is also a link to a Google folder with activity kit ideas including the necessary supplies and instructions.

 The terrific content doesn't stop there however, so consider taking a few moments to read the issue and to share with your colleagues who might benefit from it.

Public library sign says cardigans are the lab coats of library science

photo credit: @AlexAndrasik - Twitter

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