Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Problem with Diversity Labeling

In a thoughtful post on publisher Lee and Low's The Open Book blog, librarian Alexandria Brown explores why labeling books as diverse reinforces white supremacy. She sheds light on this issue and also suggests the many other ways libraries can support and highlight books by BIPOC creators.

She writes: If you plan to use labels with the words “multicultural,” “diverse,” or “POC” on them, are you using those terms correctly? How narrowly will you define multicultural? Will you include books by white authors and/or about white characters? If not, why not? Whiteness is a racial affinity and cultural identity. Before you even get to the labeling stage, how will you determine whether or not a book is “multicultural,” “diverse,” or “POC?” Who will do the physical labor of creating the relevant criteria? Who will evaluate, pull, label, reshelve, and update the catalogue?"

You can read the entire post here.

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