Sunday, November 29, 2020

Take and Make Kit Ideas for Teens/Tweens

Looking for some new ideas to sparkle up your grab and go bags? In a recent blog post from Y.A. Awesomesauce blog ,we read some fun tips and wise words on providing successful make and take kits. 

The author writes: "Take and Makes are simply what the bulk of programming is write now (and probably will be for a while longer). Budgeting properly by not wasting time, money and resources on things that you KNOW your community wouldn't respond to is VITAL. The basic rule should be - if you wouldn't just sit it out at a table at a huge event, don't have it as a take and make."

Check out the blog post 

And while you're there browse through the other great posts on all things teen/tween authored by Brooke, a teen services librarian from Ontario who works at a combined public/school library.

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