Wednesday, December 2, 2020

iSchool Spring 2021 Online Courses Announced

If you're looking for top-flight courses relating to youth services library work from amazing library folks, UW-Madison iSchool Department of Continuing Education has you covered. All courses come with a 10% early bird discount!

Storytime: an Opportunity for Social Justice with Katelyn Martens-Rodriguez  Feb 1- March 14 - This class will focus on making your storytimes more welcoming, inclusive, equitable, and grounded in social justice. With fellow students, you will have honest discussions and learn creative ways to approach storytime spaces (in-person or virtual). This class challenges the idea that libraries are neutral spaces, and stands with vulnerable populations. You will focus on inspiring and assisting other students to provide the best possible storytimes to families.

Babies in the Library with Brooke Newberry  Feb 1-28 - Library service to patrons begins at birth. How can library practitioners offer the best programs, collections, and services possible to the youngest members of our communities (0-23 months)? After laying the groundwork for developmentally appropriate practice, this course will provide strategies and ideas for providing outstanding services to families with young children. Whether you are new to the profession, considering starting a baby storytime, searching for outreach partners, or looking to refresh your collection, this course will build a foundation for working with the very young.   

Webinar: Library Services for Homeschoolers with Adrienne Pettinelli  Feb 9 & 16 - Homeschoolers are among libraries’ heaviest users and a growing segment of many communities. Part one (Feb 9) of this webinar gives background focused on how and why people homeschool, and part two (Feb 16) focuses on how to create policies, programs, and collections that will serve homeschoolers’ particular needs. Participants will walk away with practical strategies to improve services to homeschoolers on almost any budget. 

Programming with Purpose with Kelsey Johnson-Kaiser  March 1-28 - We all want our libraries to have strong programming. How do you know if your library is producing meaningful, intentional programs that align with your vision, support your mission, and recognize staff capacity versus simply falling into the “more is more” trap?This course will explore both broad perspectives on identifying programming values and goals as well as in-depth strategies for planning thoughtful, intentional programs for any age. Participants will actively focus on defining programming priorities; staying rooted in community; implementing tools and resources; and change management.

Plus there are a plethora of other great courses on creating positive work environments; fundraising; web archiving; serving older adults; running effective virtual meetings; collection management through an anti-racist lens and customer service. 

Stop here to read all about them, get further details and register.

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