Friday, December 11, 2020

Screen Time Perspective in the Present Time

A recent article from the Harvard Graduate School of Education reiterates that "it is important to consider quality and purpose, in addition to quantity." With the prevalence of screens and virtual connection in the pandemic era, as well as the decrease in opportunities for children and teens to connect in-person, it bears repeating that screens serve a purpose and can be a tool for engagement, learning, and connection. It all depends on how they are used. 

Parents may need to evaluate what their children and teens are getting out of time spent on screens or various social media. Also key, is modeling good behavior. When parents and caregivers demonstrate healthy screentime, they provide an important example. Read the brief article "A Nuanced View of Screen Time" by Jill Anderson and scroll to the bottom for the key takeaways.

Also linked in the article is an upcoming workshop entitled Screen-Time Savvy: Skills to Deepen Digital and Media Literacy, presented by faculty chair Joe Blatt, which is a four week online workshop.

Or Watch Screen Time Sanity, a 30-minute webinar from HGSE’s Education Now series.

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