Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Virtual Programming Best Practices

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay
Back in the Before Times, we had a wealth of resources to help us create in-person programming for babies through teens. During the pandemic, we've all been learning, experimenting and building our toolkit (also known as throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks!) of virtual program skills.

Here are three resources to help you as you continue your virtual and remote programming work during the winter.

  • Best Practices of Library Virtual Programs - Courtney Evans. Hack Library School blog. Nine practical tips to consider as you plan, prep, and market your virtual programs.
  • Zoom Fatigue is Ruining My Library Programming – Angela Hursh. Super Library Marketing vlog. This very brief, snappy video makes some golden suggestions that will be useful to you going forward.
  • Upping Your Virtual Programming Game - Marge Loch-Wouters. WI Valley Library System CE.  If you want a deep dive, try this hour-long webinar that explores some of the issues around doing virtual programs and a ton of ideas and resources for programs - both virtual and remote- to try. 

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