Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Why I Love YSS

It's February, the month of love. The YSS board decided to share with everyone the reason why they love YSS. This series will run Wednesdays and Sundays throughout February!

There are so many reasons to LOVE the Youth Services Section (YSS) of WLA, but I will tell you some of my favorites.  I LOVE that I can meet other youth staff from around the state.  It is so empowering to know that others in my field struggle with the same issues, have WAAYYY more creative ideas than I do (and are willing to let me steal them ☺), and love to have fun.  I have learned so much and gotten so many ideas from the YSS blog post and have shared them with my co-workers.  Many opportunities for workshops and conferences and webinars that I take advantage of come through my connections with YSS and they are always relevant and top notch.

I am a YSS member and proud of it!  Please consider joining us today!

Susie Menk, YSS Secretary and Youth Librarian at Manitowoc Public Library

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