Monday, March 15, 2021

Dr. Philip Nel's Anti-Racist Resources

In Tessa Michaelson Schmidt's most recent Friday FAQ, she touched on the recent decision from Seuss Enterprises to cease publishing six of Dr Seuss' books which had racist images. Tessa points out the importance of "having conversations, thinking about the specifics of the situation as well as the broader issues. This matter is not over and done with, nor is it something new. Collection development, including reconsideration of materials, is part of librarianship."

Philip Nel, Professor of English at Kansas State University, has researched deeply and written about racist imagery in children's literature and specifically in Dr. Seuss' books. You may have heard him respond in the media to the recent controversy over Seuss books. 

In a recent post on his blog, Nine Kinds of Pie, titled "Seuss, Racism and Resources for Anti-Racist Children's Literature, he gathered excellent resources to assist us in navigating the issues. 

He writes: "In the wake of last week’s intense focus on Dr. Seuss and racism, I’m gathering (a) some resources for anti-racist children’s literature, and (b) a sampling of the Seuss-and-racism media. I hope these links will give you a place to begin. And I realize there’s a lot here! Don’t feel you need to digest this all at once. Bookmark the page and come back. Indeed, to facilitate your ongoing education, follow these groups on social media — many have a presence on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook."

These outstanding resources include blogs, twitter and organizations and publishers; research relating to anti-racist children's literature; articles specifically on Dr Seuss and racist content; and recent (and frequently updated) links to media discussing the issues.

Anti-Racism and Dr. Seuss posts

For more information on anti-racism and activism resources, please see these additional YSS posts:

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