Thursday, April 13, 2023

YSS March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


Youth Services Section Board Meeting

March 8th, 2023 


Present: Alison Loewen, Marge Loch-Wouters, Caitlin Schaffer, Murray Johnson, Jenna Gilles, Linda Jerome, Valerie Spooner, Claire Parrish

Approve March Agenda: Claire P. motioned, Linda J. seconded

Approve February Minutes: Caitlin S.  motioned, Claire P. seconded 

Old Business

  • DPI Updates (Jeni Schomber)

    • The DNR Park Pass Program was wildly successful and will most likely be continuing and expanding to allow other libraries (beyond the initial pilot program libraries) to participate - I will send out more details when I have them. 

      • Some libraries have already received emails with information about requesting the amount of passes you need for your library. 

    • Still waiting on the Beanstack contract to be signed, however, libraries should feel confident in proceeding with Summer Library programming with the expectation that the contract will be in place. I will send out more details when I have them. Thank you for your patience!

  • WLA updates - March meeting is week following the YSS meeting

    • General

      • Updated version of Leadership Development Institute kicking off at WAPL

      • Intellectual Freedom Task Force has started their work 

      • WAPL registration is open 

    • Conference Social (Caitlin S. and Ashley B.) 

      • Nothing new to report

    • Luncheon (Claire P.) 

      • Speaker is confirmed. No announcement yet. 

      • No ongoing record of previous speakers. Something to think about archiving at some point. 

    • Performers showcase (Alison L.)

      • Nothing new to report 

  • WLA Presents webinar series (Claire P.) 

    • SEL webinar from 3/2/2023

      • 56 signed up, recording is available 

    • Teen webinar series - Working on selecting dates 

      • Four presenting in April - teen programming

      • Four presenting in May - teen volunteering and advisory groups 

    • Looking forward (CCBC: How to Booktalk, other ideas?)

      • Tessa’s thoughts about CCBC booktalks presentation: 

        • Tend to focus booktalks on an adult audience vs. kids and teens

        • Might be tricky to book with them, with summer coming up 

        • If there is still interest, let them know

      • Could expand to presentation that includes other forms of book/collection promotion

      • Pull in school librarians to present? 

  • Blog Update (Marge L-W) 

    • Need for more fun programming posts - most popular posts after YSS Board information

  • Regional Meet-ups (Murray J.)

    • Nothing scheduled yet. 

    • Potential to do a combined meet-up and social at Oshkosh? 

      • Murray will reach out to Oshkosh and see what they say. 

  • Marketing Committee

    • Nothing to report 

  • WAPL Social Committee (Claire P. and Cathy P.)

    • Thursday, April 27 from 7:30-9pm

    • Bingo (Booktalk Bingo where you win books?) 

      • Possibly at WLA, since WAPL already has Bingo event planned 

  • Children’s Book Award (Murray J.) 

    • First meeting on March 24

New Business

  • Google Drive Migration to Dropbox

    • It’s done!

    • Archive old documents 

      • Could use a written procedure in place for future organization. Claire will write something up.  

  • Connecting WI Libraries meeting update

    • YSS members and board members are VERY encouraged to be part of this group of school and public library librarians encouraging collaboration. 

    • It is one of the best ways for WLA and WEMTA to work together and grow closer together as the two major organizations that support library service to youth in WI. Having the support of DPI has been invaluable as well.

    • MLW recommends that all YSS board members consider getting active in the group.

    • WEMTA slide deck presentation has some good info

    • Most recent Feb 23 meeting minutes - note the section on the possibility of the previous DPI Children's Leadership Institute (which some of you were part of in the past!) morphing into a collaborative school public librarian training institute.

    • Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at noon Click here to join the meeting (Meeting ID: 217 327 350 284   Passcode: t2hZCE

Motion to adjourn: Claire P. motioned, Valerie S. seconded  

Minutes recorded by Caitlin Schaffer, secretary 

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