Monday, May 22, 2023

Chair's Corner - May 2023 YSS Board Updates

Today's May 2023 YSS board meeting update is from Alison Loewen, our YSS 2023 Chair and Youth Services Librarian, Mead Public Library, Sheboygan

Are you feeling it?  The sweet promise of summer? Because I am!  Storytimes ended last week, and as I leaned back in my chair and let out a long sigh, I allowed the thought of summer break to sink in.  I could almost feel the warm sun on my skin, the sand between my toes, and the taste of sweet lemonade; wonderful, relaxing summer. And then I remembered that I’m a Youth Services Librarian and that it’s only just about to get busy!

With the Summer Reading Program gearing up, the new summer math adventure program on the horizon, guest performers, storytimes, and outreach events our Library calendar is booked.  And I have a laundry list of things I want to get done both around my house, and in my garden.  Not to mention all the family and friends I need to catch up with that I neglected during my winter hibernation.

In a recent Monarch Youth Services meeting I attended, YS Consultant Heather Fischer, asked seasoned Librarians to give advice to those who were newer to summer programming.  One colleague reminded us that summer will happen with or without us.  That no matter how much of ourselves we give to our libraries, that summer will happen regardless; and to not get down if things don’t go exactly as planned, or we don’t end up doing everything we wanted to.  And most important, remember to take some time for yourself, because it is your summer too.  

But before you take the vacation days you deserve, I want to give you a heads up about some exciting upcoming opportunities.  Did you know that we have another solar eclipse happening in 2024?  Don’t worry too much, however.  Wisconsin is not in the path of totality, so likely you won’t have the same mad rush for eclipse glasses as you did in 2017.  But if you do want to distribute glasses and plan programming, check out Starnet.  Also watch for news from DPI, who will have 4 solar eclipse programming kits to share with libraries around the State.

Also, keep your eye on the WLA conference page, as speaker info is released and registration opens.  YSS is planning another gathering at the conference, so if you missed our social at WAPL, we’de love to meet you at WLA.   

Alright, that’s all for now!  Make the most of your May, and remember to take time for yourself this summer -  have fun!

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