Tuesday, May 30, 2023

We Are Kids Lit Summer Reading List 2023

Hot off the presses, the We Are Kid Lit Collective has just published its wonderfully diverse booklist for the summer!

They write: "Are you looking for a curated summer reading list that celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and intersecting identities? The We Are Kid Lit Collective selects books by and about BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color), with attention to their intersecting identities. Chosen books are thoroughly selected, discussed and vetted by two or more members so that they can be free of microaggressions, stereotypes, or vestiges of imperialism. 2023 We Are Kid Lit Collective members: Sam Bloom, Edith Campbell, Sujei Lugo Vazquez and Lyn Miller-Lachmann"

DIvided into picture book, early readers, Click here to access this summer reading list.

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