Thursday, May 18, 2023

YSS April 2023 Board Meeting Notes

Youth Services Section Board Meeting

April 12, 2023


Present: Ashley, Linda, Valerie, Jeni, Cathy, Murray, Claire, Jenna, Alison

Approve April Agenda-   Ashley motions, Jenna seconds, pass

Approve March Minutes  Claire Motions, Jenna Seconds, pass 

Old Business

  • DPI Updates

    • Teen Internship pilot program

      • Have LSTA funds available for libraries to have a hired teen intern.  The teens would work on a connected learning project. Based off of PLA’s inclusive internship program.  The teens would work with the library to create a project/program based on the identified needs of the community.  Pilot is with 5 libraries, starting July 1st - end of August. 

    • Summer workshop with school media specialists

      • Professional Development opportunity for public libraries and school media specialists who are new to the field. It will be a 2 day workshop with programming, educational sessions, and networking opportunities. Save the date for August 1-2nd.  Location is TBA. 

  • WLA updates

    • General

      • Board met in March.  41 people applied for the Leadership Development Institute, the first convening is at WAPL.  The hope is that it will be a successful pilot year with the new structure.   Participants are mostly public librarians, but there are some academic and special librarians as well

      • The Freedom Task Force has been hard at work.  Recommendations were made to the Board as to how WLA can support Intellectual Freedom Challenges.  Some immediate recommendations were made, and also a long term vision. (5 year plan).  The plan is to make resources available in the future, so libraries have tools available to help them in the moment of a challenge.  

      • WAPL price increase due to increasing hotel charges, and also food is included. The Board understands that this could be a barrier.  Conversations are ongoing to provide options to accommodate those who cannot attend due to cost.  How can WLA make it feasible and cost effective to encourage attending?

      • Some ideas from the YSS Board are a fully virtual YSS specific conference, making it accessible to everyone- regardless of whether you can attend in person or not.  Could be a 1 day, biannual event, with the goal of creating a new model for sharing information. 

    • Conference Social

      • Ashley, Caitlin are considering options for date and time.  A few other YSS board members volunteered to help out.  Games being considered are BINGO, Really Loud Librarians.  Perhaps a site visit- maybe the CCBC after hours event if it were possible; prior conversations with CCBC imply that a YSS social would be an option, or a day-time bus trip from the conference. 

    • Luncheon 

      • Everything is set for the luncheon speaker! A formal announcement will be made a few weeks from now. 

    • Performers showcase

      • Save the Date November 10th.  Time TBA.  

      • YSS will compile a google doc of their favorite performers to share with WLA

  • WLA Presents webinar series

    • Teen webinar series

      • April 18, 3-4pm: Teen Programming

      • May 11, 2-3pm: TAG/Volunteers

        • All ready to go for April, still accepting registrations.

        • Team just met about the May event.  It will have a panel of 4 presenters.  Details will be made public soon.

    • Looking forward (CCBC Booktalk, other ideas?)

      • Still thinking about book talk / book promotions for September.

  • WAPL Social Committee

    • Claire, Cathy, and Murray are working on details.  Program sharing (bring a 1 sheet handout with description of a program that could be implemented in another library).

  • Blog Update -

    •  all is well. 

    • Marge is re-running the blog post on the YSS teen webinar on Saturday. 

    • Board members, feel free to provide blog content! 

    • Let me know if you need anything else.

      • We might consider inviting someone from the Intellectual Freedom SIG to be a regular contributor to share information that is affecting libraries around the country.

      • SIG meets 10-11 Mondays, Cathy will represent YSS

  • Regional Meet-ups

    • Still ironing out details, ways to combine WAPL social with meet-up.  CCBC is a possibility if a visit doesn’t work out at WLA

  • Marketing Committee

    • Marketing working on upcoming webinar promotions

    • And the Performers Showcase Save the Date announcement

  • Children’s Book Award

    • Childrens Book Award had its first meeting on Monday and are working their way through the list.  Final meeting will be in May to decide winner and honorees. 

New Business

  • Can we reschedule next meeting to May 17th? Same time?

    • Next YSS Meeting will be May 17th 1:30-3pm

Claire motions to adjourn, Linda seconds

Minutes recorded by Caitlin Schaffer, secretary 

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