Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Program Idea - Elephant & Piggie Book Club

In a recent ALSC blog post, Ariel Barreras shared her wildly popular Elephant & Piggie Book Club that she developed for early elementary aged patrons.

She writes: "When it comes to crafts, games, and storytimes, children tend to flock to these programs and have fun. Ironically, book clubs are the tough ones to sell to my youngest library patrons. This does not mean that first and second graders are not interested in books; on the contrary, there are several popular series and authors that they gravitate towards and these books could be used to build book clubs. As a way to encourage reading enrichment for our youngest readers, I developed an Elephant & Piggie book club for first and second graders and it was wildly popular, boasting up to 40 children a session!"

Click here to read her tips on doing this club. [Elephant and Piggie Book Club. Barraras, Ariel. ALSC Blog. May 4,2023]

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