Thursday, July 27, 2023

Dive into YSS Leadership

The water's fine and you'll have all the support you need to make a difference in WI youth work!

Are you a youth staffer and YSS member with extra spark and a willingness to share what you know with others? Then you would be perfect to work on behalf of keeping children's and youth services great in our state through serving as a Youth Services Section (YSS) board member!

The YSS Board helps to facilitate all the great things that YSS is doing in our state.  Currently, we meet once a month virtually, with an in-person meeting at the WLA fall conference and a short break over the summer. While each position has its specific responsibilities, the wonderful thing about our board is that we all work together to make things happen, from the YSS regional meet-ups to the resurrection of our webinar series. 

If you are interested in becoming a member of the YSS Executive Board, email Claire Parrish at<> by Monday, August 7 at 5:00pm. You will be asked to provide a short bio, including why you are interested in serving on the board, and a photo. Elections will be held in the fall.

Open Positions:

Chair Elect:   Acts for the Chair in case of vacancy in that office.  Coordinates activities and meetings with the Chair. Plans the YSS booth at the WLA annual conference. This is a three-year position, the first year as Chair Elect, the second year as Chair and the third Year as Past Chair.

Secretary: Is responsible for the minutes of the YSS Board meetings and  appropriate YSS correspondence. Sends agendas and minutes of YSS Board and business meetings to the WLA Executive Director and WLA  President.

Director-at-Large (2 spots!): Serve as members of the Executive Board and are in charge of conference social planning coordination. Directors-at-Large serve a 2-year term.

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