Monday, July 24, 2023

Growth Mindset in Programming

Image by Leopictures from Pixabay
Sometimes, we plan our programs and services so tightly that we don't leave enough room for the way children often learn - through discovery, creativity, self-directed play and exploration. A recent ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children ) blog post by Erica Hogan, has some great suggestions from a very-plan oriented librarian on ways to loosen up that structured sort of approach to give kids more agency and promote a growth mindset.

She writes: "There is certainly nothing wrong with projects that have a finished product in mind, but the approach was out of sync of with recent work on Reimagining School Readiness and other research I found most inspiring. I realized all that careful planning left very little room for child-directed play, problem solving, risk taking, experimentation, and creative thinking. Since unstructured exploration contributes to building a growth mindset and enhances the cognitive and social emotional development, I decided to make some changes. What follows are two strategies that have helped me rethink opportunities for child-led activities within programs."

Click here to read her full post. [Planning the Unplanned: Program Reflections to Encourage Growth Mindset. Hogan, Erika. ALSC blog. July 1`6, 2023]

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