Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Navigating a Challenge - Drag Queen Storytime

The Intellectual Freedom Special Interest Group of the Wisconsin Library Association sponsored a speaker at their online meeting on Monday July 24 featuring Amy Mitchell of the Beloit Public Library. She spoke about how their library navigated  pushback against one of their programs. The IF SIG is sharing the slide deck with all WLA members. (Consider joining this SIG!)

They write:

Thanks to everyone who attended Monday's Intellectual Freedom Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting featuring Amy Mitchell from the Beloit Public Library.
As promised, here are the slides from Amy's presentation and the press release mentioned in the presentation.

Mark your calendar for the next IF SIG meeting scheduled for Monday, September 25 at 11:00 a.m.  More details to follow soon!


Please reach out to IF SIG Co-Chairs Kristina Gómez and Steven Rice with any questions: intellectualfreedomsigwi@gmail.com

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