Friday, August 11, 2023

YSS May 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Youth Services Section Board Meeting

May 17th, 2023


Present: Alison L., Caitlin S., Marge L-W., Claire P., Jeni S., Jenna G., Ashley B. Cathy P.

Approve May Agenda- Claire P. motions, Caitlin S. seconded

Approve April Minutes - Ashley B. motions, Jenna G. seconded 

Old Business

  • DPI Updates - Jeni Schomber

    • Registration for the School and Public Libraries: What You Need to Know! Workshop closes on May 22nd.

      • 55 of 50 spots registered! Priority will be given to registrants who have worked in libraries 2 or less years. 

    • New Grants Coordinator, Arshad Iqbol, started on May 8th

    • New WISCAT Technical Coordinator starting soon

    • Interviews for ILL Librarian are this week

    • Solar Eclipse (SEAL) - Looking to have workshops in Wisconsin

      • Looking at week of Sep. 18 

      • Ideas for activities libraries can do throughout the year 

      • As a state library, DPI has access to four solar eclipse activity kits to distribute around the state: 2 for adults, 2 for youth 

        • Jeni is working on figuring out how to open registration for them and distributing them 

  • WLA updates

    • General

    • Business Meeting - looking for time, was at 7 am last year 

    • Conference Social - Caitlin & Ashley 

      • Need to have a conversation with Tessa M-S. about potentially doing it at the CCBC 

      • Make sure it isn’t the same time as the Dungeons & Dragons event  

    • Luncheon - Claire 

      • Ebony Ladelle - Speaker was officially announced!  

    • Performers showcase 

      • Laura is very happy with YSS for all of the recommendations

      • Working on narrowing down a balanced group and sending out invitations, wanting to start registration in August 

  • WLA Presents webinar series

    • Looking forward (CCBC Booktalk, other ideas?)

      • Connected with Jillian Heise, ideas for another panelist? Milwaukee Public Library?

    • Science of reading - Ben Miller would be a good DPI contact

      • Colorado libraries have had conversations

      • School librarians might have thoughts 

      • Potential collaboration with WEMTA? 

    • Math programming (WI Math Council) - Crazy 8’s, math in storytime, etc. 

    • Timing - hoping for late September

  • WAPL Social Committee- How Did it Go?  

    • Very low attendance - Consider not having social at WAPL

    • Reframe as informal meetup? Have breakfast together, go out for drinks, etc. 

  • Blog Update 

    • new blogger - Jamie Mercer is a new blogger for us -  she is doing Friday Fun weekly with program ideas (she read about wanting bloggers in March YSS board minutes . Lacey Sheldon will be joining us in midsummer. Lindy Liedl, Hanna Collins and on occasion, Sam Jones on Tuesdays, Ashley Borman continue to contribute 

    • Potentially move away from linking to blogs, since that is starting to go by the wayside

      • Only keep national, major and active blogs so they aren’t as hard to keep up with if they go silent 

  • Regional Meet-ups - Murray 

  • Marketing Committee - Jenna, no updates 

  • Children’s Book Award - Murray 

New Business

No meetings until August - Happy Summer Reading! 

Motion to adjourn: Cathy P. motioned, Ashley B. seconded 

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