Friday, September 1, 2023

Let's Meet at WLA Fall Conference!

Time to get pumped for our annual Wisconsin Library Association conference Oct 24-26 in Middleton. There will be great keynotes, youth-oriented content, a lively and informative YSS social and time to meet-up IRL with your friends and colleagues in Wisco libraryland. Breakfasts and lunches are included in your registration fee so you'll eat well too!

Read all about the sessions (in Agenda) on the main conference page. You'll be gobsmacked not only by the quality of the content but the breadth of issues addressed - management; customer service, thoughts on books and literacy; service to multiple age groups; program ideas and so much more!

Our YSS Social (Wed Oct 25, 6-7:30pm) is going to be - as always - amazing. Mark your calendars for Wed Oct 25 from 6-7:30pm. We will meet at the CCBC (use the convenient lot 45 across the street from the UW- School of Ed building that the CCBC is housed in - free after 4:30 pm on weekdays).

And don't forget to get up early on Thursday and join youth librarians from around the state at our annual Youth Services Section breakfast meeting 7:30-8:30 am in the Middleton Board room. The YSS board will be there and you can share ideas, thoughts and a chance to connect with other youth librarians from around the state.

Register here (there's even a helpful sample memo to Download to share with your admin to make your case to attend).

Just in case all of the awesome keynote speakers, breakout sessions and networking opportunities wasn't enough to convince you to register, we invite you to watch this video created by the conference planning committee. What they lack in vocal talent, they make up for in enthusiasm! Rest assured; you are guaranteed a great conference experience with this group at the helm! (Don't quit your day jobs, team . . .)

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