Thursday, September 7, 2023

YSS August 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Wisconsin Library Association

Youth Services Section Board Meeting

August 9, 2023


Present: Caitlin S., Marge L-W., Alison L., Linda J., Cathy P., Valerie S., Jenna G., Murray J.  

Approve August Agenda: Claire P. motioned, Cathy P. seconded

Approve May Minutes: Valerie S. motioned, Linda J. seconded


Old Business:

  • DPI Updates - Jeni

    • 1) The SEAL (Solar Eclipse Activities at Your Library) workshops in Eau Claire (9.19.23) and Fond du Lac (9.20.23) are both at capacity. I have started a waitlist for both but can't make any guarantees that space will open up. STARNet is only able to facilitate two free workshops per state.

    • 2) Close to 80 School Library Media Specialists and Public Library Staff serving youth attended the "School and Public Libraries: What You Need to Know" workshop in Marshfield.

    • 3) New and updated resources on the DPI Youth Services page.

      • Open to suggestions, send them to Jeni. 

  • Blog Check-in - Marge 

    • Getting close to 900,000 views! Marge will make a big deal of it when we hit 1 million. Maybe see if WLA wants to celebrate that 

  • Regional Meet-Ups - Murray and Caitlin

    • Nothing planned for the fall as of right now. Caitlin and Murray will meet to get some ideas rolling. 

  • YSS Presents Webinar Check In - Alison

    • DPI Workshop Feedback

      • Several mentioned information about STEAM programming 

        • Maybe take the angle of revitalizing STEAM within programming

    • Alison has moved on to pursuing some ideas about implementing math programming for a fall webinar. 

      • Reached out to Dr. Melissa Hedges (Pre K-Grade 5 math curriculum specialist for Milwaukee public schools). Hasn’t heard back yet, but was told she would be willing. 

      • Hoping for late September, but early November is also an option. 

  • WLA Update - Linda 

    • Board meeting in July 

      • The Intellectual Freedom Task Force is now a standing committee. 

      • Funding was fully secured with bipartisan support at the state level. Reminder to send a thank you to local elected representatives for their support. 

      • Performer Showcase date will be moving, potentially to the beginning of December. Linda will let us know when the date is finalized. 

      • Discussion about doing an annual YSS virtual conference in order to reach more of the membership who aren’t coming to the in-person conferences. 

        • All day, completely virtual conference in Spring 2025

        • Looking at every other year to stay alternating with the Power Up conference 

  • Children’s Book Award - Murray

    • One winner and ten honors were selected, but WLA doesn’t want the information released quite yet. 

    • Alison will share the past template used to share the news with Jenna. 

    • One spot open on the board - Alison will take care of finding and appointing candidates 

  • Marketing Committee 

New Business:

  • WLA Conference Planning 

    • Social - Ashley / Caitlin

      • General consensus is to keep the social at the CCBC, shift the time to 6-7:30, and offer a ride share from the hotel lobby that leaves at 5:45. Alcohol will no longer be served. 

      • Caitlin will contact Tessa to make sure those changes work, then will contact Cindy and Laura. Once everything is confirmed, Caitlin and Ashley will work with Tessa to plan the event and come up with a description for the program. 

    • Booth Update- Alison

      • Not getting an individual booth, but will be a part of a WLA section booth 

        • Need to come up with ways to reach people who stop by when there isn’t any YSS representation at the booth. 

    • Luncheon - Claire: No updates 

  • Candidate Recruitment - Claire

    • Candidates for Director-at-Large spots and Chair Elect. Still looking for candidates for secretary. 

    • Communicate with the Nominations Committee to make sure we get information and pictures of all the candidates. 

    • Look into putting together an advocacy resource for people interested in being on the Board but need to convince their management to let them be involved. 

      • Letter drafted from YSS Board to directors expressing interest in their staff member as a candidate? 

  • Nomination for WI Library Hall of Fame - Marge 

    • Nomination going in for a youth librarian, so put the award honors ceremony on the radar for WLA. 

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 6 at 1:30-3 pm

Motion to adjourn: Claire P. motioned, Linda J. seconded 


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