Monday, October 16, 2023

Chair's Corner - October 2023 YSS Board Updates

This month's September YSS board meeting update is from Alison Loewen, our YSS 2023 Chair and Youth Services Librarian, Mead Public Library, Sheboygan

The WLA Annual Conference is only one week away, and I am excited to see so many of you there! There is not only an incredible line-up of educational presentations, but many opportunities to connect with both new and old friends. Make sure to first visit the YSS Board at the Exhibit Hall during the opening reception, 6:30-8:30.  We will be passing out buttons and sharing information about a few upcoming events. 

On Wednesday afternoon, the YSS luncheon will be quite the treat, with guest speaker Ebony LaDelle presenting. Thursday morning, those interested in what the board has been up to and what we are thinking about for 2024, are welcome to attend our business breakfast at 7:30am in the Middleton Board Room. And don’t forget about the YSS social at the CCBC. Space is limited, so please pre-register if you are interested in attending. Sign up now by clicking this link.  WLA has its own line-up of special events, so make sure you check out the schedule here.

Looking forward, there are a few special events I hope you will keep on your radar. The WLA Performers Showcase is scheduled for December 8th, and will provide previews of performances from area artists available for booking at your library.  And we have set the date for our next YSS Webinar “Connecting 1, 2, 3 to A, B, C: Exploring Early Math and its Implications for Emergent Literacy in Young Child Programming”. Save January 11th 3-4pm, for what is certainly going to be an inspiring conversation with Dr. Kathleen Campana of Kent State University and University of WI Madison Information School PhD Candidate Jacqueline Kociubuk.    

We are looking forward to a great end of 2023, and another wonderful year ahead.  I hope you can join us at our annual business meeting at the WLA conference! The board would love to meet you!

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