Monday, October 23, 2023

Come to the YSS Board Meeting at WLA

e’d love to see you bright and early! Join us!

Wisconsin Library Association

Youth Services Section Board Meeting

October 26, 2023


Approve October 26 Agenda

Approve October 11 Minutes


Old Business:

  • WLA Reflections (booth, luncheon, social)

  • DPI Updates - Jeni

  • Blog Check-in - Marge 

  • Regional Meet-Ups - Murray and Caitlin

  • YSS Presents Webinar Check In - Alison

    • Registration is LIVE for Connecting 1,2,3 to ABC

    • Two more ideas:

      • Tween spaces and programming?

      • In conversation with / working together: Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists?

  • WLA Update - Linda 

  • Children’s Book Award - Murray

    • 5 applicants

  • Marketing Committee - Jenna

New Business:

  • Looking ahead Brainstorm

    • Suggestions:

      • January Board Retreat 

      • Defining Roles and Prioritizing within the Board (socials, webinars, perf showcase, YS conference ect.)

      • Budget for Speakers / Socials / ect. 

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