Monday, October 2, 2023

Jane Botham to be Inducted into WI Library Hall of Fame

Jane Botham, noted WI Children’s Librarian at the Milwaukee Public Library, where she served as Children’s Coordinator from 1980-1998, will be inducted into the Wisconsin Library Hall of Fame at the WLA Awards and Honors reception at WLA’s fall conference. It’s always special when a children’s person is recognized for their substantial contributions to Wisconsin librarianship.

Jane was a mentor to many youth librarians both in Milwaukee and statewide during her time in Wisconsin. Her commitment to excellence in children’s literature; early commitment to building networks of youth-serving community colleagues to collaborate together; support of youth librarians in becoming active member leaders in ALA; encouragement for young librarians to become leaders and share their knowledge through presentations; and respectful, child-centered library service are just a few of the hallmarks of her career. 

Jane Botham 1987 
WI Librarian of the Year
Jane served on and chaired numerous ALSC committees; served on the ALSC board as well as ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children) President in 1986-87; received the Wisconsin Librarian of the Year Award in 1987; received the ALA Grolier Award (awarded for "an unusual contribution to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people.”) in 1994 and the ALSC Distinguished Service Award in 2009.

You can read her nomination here.

When Jane received the news she was surprised and delighted. She says she loves a party, so if you are attending WLA or near Madison, we’d love to have you help honor Jane when she is inducted. We invite you to either or both of the following events Thursday, October 26 at the Madison Marriott West (1313 John Q Hammons Dr, Middleton, WI 53562)

Meet-and-Greet with Jane and friends

5:30-6:15 pm at the Atrium Bar in the Marriot

Jane’s nominating team has reserved the Great Table at the Atrium bar before the ceremony. There will be a few tasty noshes and cash bar. If you or people you know can’t make the awards, this is a great time to come by and congratulate Jane! No registration needed.

Awards & Honors Ceremony    

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.     Superior & Michigan Rooms  

10/10/23 Update: registration for the WLA reception has now closed. Please feel free to congratulate Jane at the Meet and Greet event listed above.

Featuring a buffet and cash bar, there is a $30 registration fee to attend (you do not have to register for the WLA conference to attend.)   Register by using this form: WLA Awards & Honors Reception to RSVP.  The reservation form has space for attendees to indicate who they are attending on behalf of.  While WLA cannot guarantee that all an awardee’s guests will be seated together, they will do their best to accommodate them in the same area.  Registrations are due by noon on Monday, October 9.  If you have questions, please contact WLA Conference Manager Cindy Foley at

Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might like to celebrate Jane’s special honor.

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