Friday, October 13, 2023

Kits for Kids Who Are Patients Gathered by Library

 As seen in the WVLS (Wisconsin Valley Library Service) Newsletter, October 2023

Colby Donates Kits to Patients

After the rush and excitement of the annual Summer Reading Program, the Colby Community Library uses August as a “recovery” month to prepare for back-to-school activities in September. 

The August event this year was a “Krafts for All Seasons” collection. Patrons and community members were invited to donate new craft kits for youth patients at the Marshfield Medical Center (MMC). An inviting display featuring a decorated tree for each season encouraged interest in the project as people entered the library.

Child Life Specialists and Volunteer Services at MMC requested these kits to offer to patients confined to their rooms or awaiting treatments. These crafts help make the long hours more enjoyable. Colby-area people generously donated 262 kits which Director Vicky Calmes delivered in early September.

"It was gratifying to have so many people contribute,” said Vicky. “Several families who donated appreciated the ‘Krafts for All Seasons’ collection, as they had first-hand experience with their children being hospitalized. They truly recognized the need for activities to pass the time. We are so glad the library could help make hospital stays and treatments more tolerable.”

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