Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WLA Mentorship Programs Applications Open

The WLA Mentorship Program, a free program for Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) members, is designed to provide encouragement, support, and guidance to library staff seeking professional growth through connections with experienced colleagues within a structured mentoring program.

Mentees gain experience from knowledgeable library colleagues while becoming further involved in the statewide professional association. Mentors gain opportunities to give back to the profession, model volunteerism, and help influence the future of librarianship.

The third round of the WLA Mentorship Program will begin in January 2024. Care will be given to match mentees with mentors according to the goals provided on the application. If you are successfully matched, the committee will let you know by mid-December. Applicants who are selected for the program will receive an orientation in January. 

Following your orientation, you and your mentor or mentee will set up monthly meetings, virtual or in-person - your choice - to discuss the goals you have set out for the experience. On a quarterly basis, a member of the WLA Leadership Committee will check in to make sure the mentorship experience is on track. 

Any WLA member may apply to the year-long program and there is no additional cost to participate.

More details about the program, including the link to the online application, is available at with a due date of Friday, November 24.

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