Wednesday, November 29, 2023

UW Madison iSchool Spring Youth Services CE Courses

Lots of great online spring CE courses coming up. For all courses, you get 10% off your registration when you register at least 2 weeks in advance.  These courses are asynchronous - which means you can access the content each week at a time most convenient for you!  

Check out the offerings:

Teens in the Library     Feb 5- March 17 (6 weeks)     Linda Jerome, La Crosse Public Library

You’ve got teens in the library–now what? Or maybe you’d like to have more teens in the library, so how exactly do you do that? This course will help provide library staff with a foundation upon which they can build successful service to teens in their community through programming, attractive space for teens in their library, teen collections, and outreach and community partnerships. Learn to create opportunities for teens to become happy, healthy, and successful adults. Class discussions will address how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected teen services, as well as strategies for success moving forward.

Programming with Purpose    Feb 26-March 24 (4 weeks)  Kelsey Johnson-Kaiser, St Paul (MN)  Public Library

We all want our libraries to have strong programming. How do you know if your library is producing meaningful programs that align with vision, support the mission, and recognize staff capacity versus simply falling into the “more is more” trap? Regardless of your library’s size, there are ways you can bring intentional thinking into programming so you’re supporting the community while working smarter. This course will explore broad perspectives on identifying programming values and goals as well as in-depth strategies for planning thoughtful, intentional programs for any age. Participants will actively focus on defining programming priorities that are informed by both current practices and goals; using a methodical practice to identify pain points and realistic solutions; implementing a project charter tool; and effective communication to aid in change management. 

STEAM for Youth Services   Mar 4 -March 31 (4 weeks)    Kirsten Caldwell, La Crosse County Library  

Are you interested in learning more about Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) for youth ages 0-5? This course will cover why STEAM is important for children, how libraries can support them in their learning, and how to include STEAM skills in library programs and storytime. We will also look at what’s coming next with STEAM in preschool. 

Babies in Libraries   March 18- April 28 (4weeks)   Brooke Newberry, La Crosse Public Library

Library service to patrons begins at birth. How can library practitioners offer the best programs, collections, and services possible to the youngest members of our communities (0-23 months)? After laying the groundwork for developmentally appropriate practice, this course will provide strategies and ideas for providing outstanding services to families with young children. Whether you are new to the profession, considering starting a baby storytime, searching for outreach partners, or looking to refresh your collection, this course will build a foundation for working with the very young.

There are alot more classes of interest in other areas as well. Check out the full listing of tutorials and classes.

And if YOU have an idea for a class you'd like to develop and teach, reach out the iSchool continuing ed department at  Sharing your knowledge and expertise is a great thing. The planners there are always happy to have new proposals. You can do it!

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