Saturday, December 23, 2023

Chair's Corner - December 2023 YSS Board Updates

This month's November YSS board meeting update is from Alison Loewen, our YSS 2023 Chair and Youth Services Librarian, Mead Public Library, Sheboygan.

My favorite winter movie is a 26-minute adaptation of the wordless picture book The Snowman, by Raymond Briggs.  I was first shown this animated film on the last day of school before Holiday Break in 1988, and after all this time, it has never ceased to delight me.   Year after year, I have made it a personal tradition to revisit it.  Every year, I again notice the detail and care of the colored pencil drawings, and allow the enchanting musical score to flow through my veins. I love this movie for so many reasons. 

However, this isn’t a traditional holiday story for children filled with cheer.  It’s a reminder that life is a wave of emotions, carrying us between wonder, delight, concern, joy, grief and so much more- and that every thing and every feeling, has an ending.  It’s a somber lesson for a story made for children; even adults still struggle with this reminder. It’s difficult to accept when a good thing has come to an end and the experiences and memories have become a part of you forever, but that the actual moment has passed.  While it might seem melodramatic to compare this to the end of my year of service as YSS Chair, I do think it is a feeling that many of us struggle with as a year comes to a close. 

There is just one more point I want to make from The Snowman, and that is because the little boy chose to invite the snowman into his world, the snowman reciprocated and invited him into theirs. So much magic was created by taking a chance and believing.  As we inch toward the end of 2023, let’s imagine 2024 being a year for connecting, sharing, and taking chances, and by doing so, creating opportunity inside and outside our libraries, both for ourselves and others.  

With that, I will leave you with a few key takeaways from our last board meeting of 2023

  • The Youth Services Performer Showcase directory and recordings are available for purchase for anyone who missed the event but would like access.  You can purchase those rights here: YSS Showcase Recordings & Directory
  • A reminder to register for our upcoming webinar “Connecting 1,2,3 to ABC”.  You can find more info and registration link here
  • Looking forward to news from DPI about a Smokey Bear reading challenge and opportunities to host a teen intern at your library this summer.  More information here and by signing up for the YS Listserv.
  • Also, watch for more information forthcoming regarding WLA’s Great Lakes, Great Reads reading challenge.  Find out more!

Thank you to all youth services librarians for caring for your community in the way that you do.  Just as my teacher from 1988 may not know how the simple screening of that film influenced my life, you may never know what small things you do that make an impact on the lives of the children you serve.  

I am happy to pass the torch to the 2024 Youth Services Section Chair, Cathy Pescinski.  I want to thank Murray Johnson, Ashley Borman, and Claire Parrish for their years of service, and welcome new board members Peter Blenski, Justin Keberlein, and Laci Sheldon to YSS!


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