Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Performer's Showcase Recordings Available

YSS held is first virtual performer's showcase on Friday, December 8, 2023 and it was a great success! We had 79 registered attendees and 28 performers and based upon comments made by attendees on the day of the event, they found it to be a valuable event. 

If you missed it the first time around, it’s not too late! Fill out this form on the WLA website and you can still purchase access ($20 for WLA members, $40 for non-members) through February 2024. 

We hope to host at least one virtual meet up after the holidays where attendees can make connections regarding sharing the cost of bringing a performer to their part of the state. 

A massive thank you to Laura Sauser, WLA executive director, who did an enormous amount of work to make this first-time event possible as well as to the rest of the planning committee: Alison Loewen, YSS chair; Cathy Pescinski, YSS chair elect; and Jeni Schomber, DPI public library consultant.  

--Linda Jerome, YSS liaison to the WLA board 

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