Saturday, January 13, 2024

Books for Juvenile Offenders

In a timely and fascinating post on the ALSC blog from the ALSC Intellectual Freedom Committee, Dr. Karin Perry, Associate Professor of Library Science at Sam Houston  State University argues passionately for libraries' role in working collaboratively within the community to provide materials and programs to youth in juvenile detention centers.

Dr. Perry writes: "Juvenile detention centers play a crucial role in the rehabilitation and development of young offenders. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the importance of providing access to books and other reading materials for these young people. Research conducted by criminal justice scholars emphasizes the need for a correctional system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than just punishment.

According to a study conducted in juvenile detention centers, the implementation of programs that promote reading and provide access to literature has shown significant positive effects on offender outcomes. These programs include structured reading time, access to a variety of books, and literacy-based activities. Studies have shown that access to reading materials can have a profound impact on the lives of adolescents in detention centers."

Please stop here to read this important blog post. [The Vital Role of Literature for Juvenile Offenders. Perry, Dr. Karin. ALSC blog. December 12, 2023.]

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