Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Meetup to Power Up Your WAPL Proposal

Informal Proposal Planning Session Scheduled for January 16

Plans are underway for the 2024 Wisconsin Association of Public Libraries (WAPL) Conference taking place May 1 - 3, 2024 at the Holiday Inn - Stevens Point Conference Center. This year's conference theme is "Power to the Public," which means:

  • Empowering library staff through conference sessions that kickstart creativity and fuel innovation.
  • Empowering the public to learn, play, and connect at the library through the spaces, programs, and services we offer.
  • Empowering stakeholders to support and advocate for their local public library.
While this is a very broad theme, proposals are not required to fit within it.  We encourage innovative proposals on a wide variety of topics.  Learn more.  Proposals are due by midnight on January 26. 


Meetup to Power Up Your Proposal

Thinking about submitting a proposal, but aren't sure where to start?  Need some help fleshing out an idea or paring a big idea down to size?   The WAPL Conference Committee is here to help.  Join the committee and your peers for an informal, virtual idea-sharing/brainstorming meetup open to anyone who is interested in submitting a proposal for the WAPL conference.  Share your ideas in a supportive environment, ask questions, and learn tips to make your program shine! 
Drop into this interactive session on Tuesday, January 16 from noon - 1:00 p.m.
Can't join us for the meetup but still want to discuss an idea?  Please reach out to the WAPL Programming Co-chairs:

Bailey Anderson, Black Earth Public Library,

Heather Thompson, Kenosha Public Library,

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