Friday, January 5, 2024

WI Astrophysics Game Development Fellowship Opportunity

Happy New Year, games-passionate librarians!

The deadline to apply for participating in our Astrophysics Game Design Fellowship is right around the corner! You can still apply by EOD Wednesday, 1/10/2024.

Sending another reminder out about this terrific Call for Participation regarding a game design ‘Fellowship’ opportunity for interested public and school librarians. Please share again with your networks! Thank you for considering applying, or spreading the word.

The Library Services Team of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, alongside partners at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (including the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center, the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, and Field Day Lab) are seeking a select group of interested public and school librarians throughout the state to help envision and develop a new desktop educational video game focused on research occurring at the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center. This is an excellent opportunity for librarians to actively collaborate with game developers, researchers, and other participants in a cutting-edge, cross-institutional project!

Where do you come in?: Initially, selected librarians will participate in an early brainstorming workshop that will help generate game ideas to be developed into prototype games by the Field Day Lab design team. Beyond that, you will be able to test the game and provide feedback as it transitions from the prototype phase to a finished release. Finally, we’ll be asking participants to share their professional expertise to help develop strategies for implementing the game in different settings (such as classrooms and libraries). The final game will be free to play online – for everyone!

Required Activities for Involved Librarians:

  • Participate in a one-day, in-person project workshop at UW-Madison. (Date & Time: February 9, 2024, from 10:00am - 7:00 pm) [Dinner from 5:30-7:00; Lodging and a travel stipend provided if needed]
  • Participate in two follow-up group meetings: Online, Spring 2024
  • Provide feedback on early prototypes of the game: Online, Spring/Summer 2024
  • Brainstorm ideas for how games could be used in various contexts

This is a unique opportunity to:

  • Join a community of librarians, teachers, designers, scientists and researchers interested in exploring games and game-based learning
  • Learn more about the research being done at the Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center
  • Help design and test a game that will be freely available online once it is completed
  • Help develop ideas, activities, and materials that other librarians and teachers can use in coordination with the game

Does this opportunity interest you or someone on your staff? If so, please view/share our CALL FOR PARTICIPATION for more details (also attached as a .pdf), which includes a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. The Call also includes a link to apply to join* the fellowship. Note: we have a limited capacity for participants; we will follow-up with those who have applied if they are selected to join the Fellowship.

              *The DEADLINE for the application is Wednesday, January 10th.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at Apply today!!! – I look forward to working with you on this excellent Games + Learning-based project!



Chris Baker

Public Library Consultant, Library Services Team 

Department of Public Instruction 

(608) 264-6709

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