Tuesday, January 30, 2024

WLA IF Introduces New IF Toolkit

On behalf of the WLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, I am  pleased to announce that the WLA Intellectual Freedom (IF) Toolkit is now available.  The IF Toolkit was developed by the WLA Intellectual Freedom Committee as a way for community members, librarians, and trustees to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual freedom as it relates to libraries in Wisconsin.  It is intended to provide resources to help libraries and their communities navigate these issues while protecting the rights of individual readers. The Intellectual Freedom Committee will continuously update the IF Toolkit and seek to include the most relevant and current intellectual freedom resources.

To access this resource from the WLA website, go to the Advocacy menu on the homepage and select "Intellectual Freedom Resources" from the dropdown menu.  
A special thank you to the IF Committee Toolkit subcommittee for their work on this resource: Karli Pederson, Hannah Good Zima, and Christinna Swearingen.

Questions about the toolkit? Please contact WLA IF Committee Chair Kristina Gómez at krgomez@milwaukee.gov.

Refreshed IF Resources Page Also Includes Survey Results
In addition to the IF Toolkit, the Intellectual Freedom Resources webpage has been refreshed to include other new content, including a link to the 2023 Intellectual Freedom Survey Report.

Visit the Intellectual Freedom Resources Page: Intellectual Freedom Resources (wisconsinlibraries.org)

Laura Sauser, Executive Director
Wisconsin Library Association
sauser@wisconsinlibraries.org      515-865-6264

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