A message from Chris Baker:
First off; I want to thank everyone for helping spread the word about our Wisconsin Games + Learning + Libraries Cohort. Only announced late last year, our WISELearn group already boasts 78 members, and has 42 affiliated resources that librarians can explore. The list of resources and valuable discussions will continue to grow throughout the year; you'll want to stay tuned!
- Want to join the group? First, register a WISELearn account; then head here to "Join This Group". You can introduce yourself in our "Greetings; Introduce Yourself to the Group!" discussion thread.
- Send an email to Subscribe-Games-Learning-
Libraries@lists.dpi.wi.gov - (You don't need to include anything in the email subject or body.)
- You will receive an email asking you to confirm that you'd like to subscribe; follow those instructions to complete the process.
- I will approve your subscription; then, when appropriate, you can begin contributing & responding to questions and updates by emailing games-learning-libraries@
lists.dpi.wi.gov. Emails sent to the group list (including in response to anything I send out) will be shared with everyone subscribed to the list.
- Dungeons and Dragons Introductory One-Shot: Book of Constructs
- "This is a Dungeons and Dragons module meant to introduce new dungeon masters and players to the game. The module runs about 2-2.5 hours and accommodates a group of 3-8 players. This module does require the Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook to play."
- "The game is formatted like an escape room to introduce players and the DM to the basic mechanics in a condensed amount of time. In the attached folder there are the module pdf, printout maps, props and premade character sheets to make it easy as possible to sit down and start playing. The setting is also open ended regarding the world and lore, so it makes a good introductory game to larger campaign or to insert to an existing one."
Chris Baker, Public Library Consultant, Library Services Team
Department of Public Instruction
(608) 264-6709 christopher.baker@dpi.wi.gov
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