Friday, February 23, 2024

Oh No, THAT Didn't Work!

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
We all have program fails. While it can be discouraging, it's also a great way to figure out the why's and to forgive yourself and know - it happens to us all.

Recently Chelsey Roos shared some of her fails and how she recovered from each type. Her descriptions and solutions will resonate with anyone who does programming. She writes: "Almost everyone has a program completely fail at least once in their career. In library school, I learned how to build a good program, how to market a program, and how to incorporate elements of diversity into programs, but I didn’t learn how to recover when a program does an absolute belly-flop. Let’s look at three common ways a program might crash and burn (they’ve all happened to me!) and some ways you can salvage your time, supplies, or spirit in the face of program disaster." 

Please stop here to read the whole post. [Recovering from Program Failure. Roos, Chelsey. ALSC blog. February 19, 2024]

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