Wednesday, February 28, 2024

STEM Resources Survey - WI Afterschool Network

Thousands of youth in Wisconsin regularly attend afterschool and summer programs in schools, community centers, churches, etc. The Wisconsin Afterschool Network is a statewide organization which works to support these programs and their staff in delivering high quality programming. 

One of the goals of the Wisconsin Afterschool Network is to empower educators who work with youth each day to lead engaging STEM activities. Organizations like yours (businesses, museums, libraries, STEM centers) are important resources for these educators. 

We want to learn about the work you do and how we can help you connect with Out-of-School Time programs in your area. Our hope is to develop a directory and map of STEM organizations in Wisconsin for educators to access on our website as a resource in their community.

We would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey to help us in our endeavor. Please consider sharing this survey as well with other organizations that serve educators and youth. If you represent a statewide organization, please include statewide resources, but also share with local organizations in your network who offer resources and services to educators.

Survey Link:

(You may need to copy/past this link into your browser)

Thank you for your time,

Wisconsin Afterschool Network (WAN)
Center for Community Health Advancement
Marshfield Clinic Health System
Office: 715-221-8400 | Other Info:

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