Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for Eclipse??

What happens if some of the long-range forecasts are predicting cloud cover or rain on April 8 during the solar eclipse and you have an eclipse-watching party planned at the library?

Starnet Community has your back. 

In their April 2 blog post, they write: "You’ve been preparing for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 for over a year…you’ve made meticulous plans for glasses distributions, become an expert at using solar telescopes and SunSpotters, purchased the Moon Pies and Sun Chips as thematic snacks, and are anxiously awaiting the cosmic show…when you look at the weather forecast and see the dreaded thunderstorm icon.

So, now what? Pause….take a deep breath…and read on for STAR Net’s favorite suggestions for Rainy Day Back-Up Plans."

Click here to read the full post and their great back-up plans to save an eclipse program that is clouded out! [Rainy Day Ideas for the April 8 Solar Eclipse. Adams, Claire Ratcliffe. Starnet Community blog. April 2, 2024]

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